Live reporting by
Marvetta Rutherford
August storms strike Cleveland Public Power with $1.3 million in recovery costs
Denise A@cleDocumenter
Today I am covering the @CleCityCouncil #utilitiescommittee For @cledocumenters #cledocumenters @signalcleveland
09:01 AM Sep 12, 2024 CDT
Cleveland public power and others are going to be answering questions about the storm of August 6th that impacted thousands Martin Keane and his team
Keane listed the many water sites that had issues as well. He spoke of trees and the removal Catch basin were in focus.
@kazy_brian said he didn't have 1call about lack of water.. Department heads spoke about Cleveland Public Power
@kazy_brian Attendance has improved and the explanation for the people who was working on restoration of power
@kazy_brian Secondary issues were discussed There are crews that address this problem
@kazy_brian 36k customers were impacted by this storm The director is very proud of the staff many of whom were already off work and returned. 200 hours were worked by many
@kazy_brian Many people were restored in two days. Contractor Services came to aid The department of the city. Out of town help arrived
@kazy_brian They said they posted updates and manned 30k calls
Regular recovery was dealt with as well during this period
Next up is @firstenergycorp David Turner is the presenter with additional staff He will be covering several topics Their area is much bigger than cpp
8200 workers were in place during this period in various areas
That is the presenting for the utility Next @ATT they appreciate the help from the other companies 40k were affected 16 offices lost power.. These are the presenters
@ATT They have to wait until the power companies clear up the areas before they can get started in restoring services to their customers
@ATT @GetSpectrum Sandra Williams is the presenter for them
@ATT @GetSpectrum She read the summary of the storm 5 tornadoes came through the city
@ATT @GetSpectrum Within the week the people were reconnected she said. Communication was in various ways. Kazy asked how many people were involved 230k was the answer
Cleveland is now doing the presenting Poles are the focus of @kazy_brian
@firstenergycorp and @clepublicpower worked together during this period
This man spoke about collaboration , I don't know his name but his point of being better prepared is valid
@KrisHarsh is asking questions about the order of business
@KrisHarsh He asked about the answer of a couple of months... He spoke of the revenue vs expenses Low priorities are being discussed
@KrisHarsh The silence of the company's about the current priorities of the additional poles Williams said that she didn't have a concrete answer. Kazy asked about not having to pull permits to install poles
@KrisHarsh Harsh made a great point in regard to the problem of too many poles. Att spoke about the @PUCOhio and the regulations involved
@KrisHarsh @PUCOhio Williams said she is working on getting the situation taken care of through Spectrum. Harsh said that the studies show more severe weather Is this the Best of the people at the table
Additional questions about the people of #Cleveland and how they were made whole.
@jennyspencercle asked about the situation her initial response was to spectrum and the telephone and internet service
@jennyspencercle @ATT explained their own process however, they are not city wide. Spectrum has fiber phone lines the spokesperson said
@jennyspencercle @ATT Spencer spoke about Mr Collins and his service during this period. She spoke to Lost Revenue for the people in her Ward... She asks about relief from the First Energy She was advised that there are Grant's for different companies
More discussion from Spencer to CPP she extended her appreciation And asked about the support from out of the city
How does this system work Spencer asked Keane responded She further questioned the outage maps
Polensek said he was around in 1993 and this was way worse
He asked about legislation passed last year and why the law was not implemented? Keane gave the answer that in June those 15 bids were thrown out ... the limit of the award is in question
Polensek said the area behind Collinwood was out for almost 2 weeks.. many people were Trapped by the garage not opening up
There has to be a better way Polensek said! He described the water that came into city Hall
Gas and water lines were disrupted Polensek said Many of them were in the back yard.. Many of these yards have stuff around the poles..
Vines are a very valid point to the point of poison ivy growing up these poles Tree planting should make sense People have to help with this process
Polensek said he had residents who were without food and the @CleFoodBank did a great job helping others Forestry needs improvements Call centers need to be manned to answer the phone
@CleFoodBank Damage to the people and business was worth getting 2 additional days The pole issue is old .. Polensek spoke to the poles he said he reported YEARS AGO
Kazy said that both sides of the city was out regarding the company's... Gray #Ward4 spoke about her own experience and her people
She wants someone to come to the community Meeting and explain One resident spoke to her assistant for 3 hours
The question was who is in charge of wooden spools with wires? Gray will send the pictures
He expressed his appreciation for the people associated with this issue! Kazy echoed that
Polensek asked about digital C issues Kazy said this is pretty historic Meeting adjourned
The gentleman from cle public power is Commissioner Ammon Danielson.. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters Or email us at Until the next time, blessings