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Issue with right to protest was a main concern as DNC nears and permits are being denied or prohibited and also not allowed within certain distance from the convention center

Council members have been asked to log into their devices. Meeting should be starting soon.

Discussion on the effectiveness of Shot Spotter. General consensus is that Shot Spotter is not very effective.

Council chairman reminded members to keep their comments respectful in consideration of the audience.

Dustin Spence protesting for the city's support for the DNC in August.

Speaker recognizing Haitian Born DuSable and Dusable Park as an icon for equality.

Speaker, Jackie Brown, comments that Chicago should be a non-sanctuary city.

Alderman Patt Dowell recognizes the graduation of Dr. Dorothy Tillman, II. Received doctorate in integrated behavioral health.

Alderman Janette Taylor, on the importance of young students being able to articulate what their community means to them.

Alderman Pat Dowell recognizes the Public Allies program for young adults. The program prepares young adults for leadership.

Polished Pebbles youth organization has been recognized and acknowledged.

Speakers comment on the importance of Jewish American Heritage month.

Alderman Maria Hadden rises in support of Jewish American Heritage Month resolution.

Chair recognizes Aldm. Knudsen thanks Aldm Silversteen on her commentary on Jewish American Heritage Month.

Chair recognizes Aldm. David Moore who stands in support of Jewish American Heritage Month.

There is a lot to cover in this meeting. I highly recommend viewing the recap on Facebook or .

Comments and recognition of Haitian American Heritage Month. The Haitian people have persevered despite what the US has done to their country and people.

Several aldermen acknowledge support for Haitian American Heritage Month and the importance of the resolution.

Ald. Yancy will close by presenting the resolution in support of Haitian American Heritage month.

Mayor Johnson announces the passing of the Haitian American Heritage Month Resolution.

Alderman Maria Hadfen in support of the Asian American Heritage Month resolution.

Council members Haden and Moore in support of Asian American Heritage Month Resolution.

One of my takeaways from today's city council meeting. I already knew this but immigrants make our country better. Period!

Link to today's Finance resolutions: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ ……