Creation of ad hoc Asian American Hate Crimes Committee, Discrimination
Good Afternoon! At 3.30p CT, I’ll be live-tweeting today’s meeting of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations with #ChiDocumenters @ChiDocumenters. The @chiCCHR investigates discrimination and aids victims of hate crimes.
03:00 PM Apr 8, 2021 CDT
The commission is newly chaired in 2021 by Nancy Andrade. City council confirmed her nomination by the mayor on Feb 24. Formerly with the American Bar Association and has degrees from The Catholic University, Columbus Law, and Loyola University
Meeting called to order at 3:36p with quorum reached. They’ll begin on approving the minutes from March.
Commissioners Report-Nancy Andrade asking team members to introduce themselves. Jennifer Scott works on the south side with community tensions, neighbor conflicts, and lots of “boot on the ground” work, with the commission for 17 years working towards an unbiased city.
Cheryl Reid. Aracelis Baez. also introduced - west side and north side assignments. They are mentioning work with mediation, workshops for students + parents. The tone here is warm and collegial as staff intro themselves to the board.
Norman White is the hate crime victim advocate. City-wide responsibility. Chicago PD refers cases to the commission and we reach out to support. Go to court if necessary and identify needs. “our office is in the streets”
Each commissioner introducing themselves in turn–most lawyers! Diverse representation—Black, Latino, Arab-American, LGBTQ, Euro-Cuban, Polish. Esther Nieves–Harold Washington administration vet: “we are seeking a more humane and compassionate world”
Additional commissioner reports: 1/ Recent webinar on housing equality drew 50 participants–proud of that first event. Will be repeated soon in Spanish.
2/ We are looking into the possibility of in-person hearing and how they could return in the summer–working with video equipment that would keep safety and low capacity.
3/ Metrics updates:
Currently 57 new discrimination complaints. 40 at last year this at this time.
6 reported hate incidents. 7 last year same time.
Asian hate crimes: NONE reported right now. But we want to speak about this later.
Question on spike of public accommodation complaints: JoAnn Newsome: one complainant has filed 18 complaints against stores because they were not allowed in because they were not wearing a mask.
Now brief reports from LGBTQ, equity, womens’ advisory councils. Initiative examples: Creating an equity score card for committees to use. Recent focus on misogynic racism experienced by Asian women—especially relevant during women’s history month.
Old business: Planning a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program targeting attorneys who may practice before the commission. Investigation and hearing process. Planning a panel w/ commission members, a lawyer who has previously argued, and perhaps a former complainant.
‘Very important’ new business: we want to form an Ad Hoc Committee on Asian American Hate Crimes. Have been in discussion with the mayor’s office. We’d like 12-15 people and chaired by a member of this commission. Michelle Shang has been asked to chair and agrees now on the call.
We’d like a members of the asian business community, hospitality industry, legal services, and CPD 9th district (Chinatown), 20th district CPD (Uptown), trauma care providers, and more.
Note on how hate crimes are reported to the commission: A victim must call 911 first. We note “trigger words,” e.g. I was pushed and the offender said they were doing this because I am X” etc. This is critical for the police report–it starts process with CPD Civil Rights Unit
Andrade: I had productive meeting with Chicago PD this morning as I introduced themself to them. 9th district has added a mini-police office at the Chinese American Service League Office. “Going beyond the call of duty to establish more trust with the community”
Coming events we are planning: Unity Month Virtual Program for September 2021 and Human Relations Summit Virtual Program in October 2021. Asking commissioners to join planning committees.
Motion to adjourn at 4:35p and with that the Chicago Commission on Human Relations @ChiCCHR meeting is over. Headline is to follow the new Asian American Hate Crimes committee to be chaired by Commissioner Michelle Shang #ChiDocumenters @ChiDocumenters
As always, you can learn about other important civic meetings you never knew existed at @CHIdocumenters